Elsinore Magazine 2

News Magazine 2 City of Lake Elsinore.... Editor: John Brooks

Location: Lake Elsinore, California

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Oct. 14, 2006
Elsinore Magazine 2 has relocated but is back and will continue covering Lake Elsinore Community.
EM2, Following the Campaign Trail Of EVMWD.
3 EVMWD seats are up for grabs. Division 1, Ben Wicke, Division 3 Christine Hyland, Division 5 Kristine Anderson. All are the incumbents.
Each division has candidates running aganist them. Division 1, Douglas Pinnow Tuscany Hills a very strong candidate aganist Ben Wicke. Mr Pinnow hold Phd. degrees, is highly educated, intelligent, honest and ethical. Also is aganist the LEAPS Project as most Elsinorians are aganist the LEAPS Project. Mr. Pinnow is a much more qualified candidate than the incumbent, Ben Wicke. EM2 go with the majority residents in the recommendation of Douglas Pinnow for Director Division 1.
Division 3 Judy Gugliemana is running aganist Christine Hyland. EM2 is mystified as to what really prompted Guglielmana to attempt to run aganist Christine Hyland this candidate is an amateur she states she does not know whether or not she is for or aganist the LEAPS Project. The project have been around ten years or more. FERC ISSUED an Evironmental Impact Statement EMS on the project, and held a public meeting April 5, 2006 which Guglielmana was not in attendance. Someone should ask if she has ever read the EMS. Another question begs why Judy is running? She is often seen in public and at meetings with Darrell Issa's aide Phil Paule. Darrell Issa promotes the LEAPS Project and is a senator in Washington DC has a local office in Vista CA. as do Nevada Hydro a partner to EVMWD on LEAPS. But why is Issa's Aide practically babysitting Guglielmana? Issa neither his aide live's in Lake Elsinore, yet his aide is acting like they have a monetary vested interest in LEAPS. Could this be another Cunningham venture? Residents should get a copy of a story written by The Times Mirror Company; Los Angeles Times 1998. On Issa, and how he took over a company he holds by pulling the rug out from under his partner. Another question that begs to be answered is that how much money Issa and company have contributed to Guglielmana's Campaign fund. When Phil Williams and Harvey Ryan were running for office in accordance with who they talked to, they also contended that they did not know if they were for or aganist the LEAPS Project. Yet both of them lost no time jumping on the ban wagon with Wicke and Anderson favoring the LEAPS Project like glue. Guglielmana is following the same campaign trend. Apparently her honesty should be in question among residents of Lake Elsinore. EM2 PREDICTS that Judy Guglielmana will jump in favor of the LEAPS Project as soon as possible if elected. EM2 believes that Guglielmana has been selected by Williams,Anderson and possibly by Wicke and Ryan, backed by Issa's Group. We donot believe that she is being up front with the public. Not only that, she is an amateur. EM2 Recommends Christine Hyland, Division 3, who has maintained honesty consistently. The fight in favor of what her constiuents want and for the overall good of the public. Inspite of attempts to distort, bash and twist her intentions by using her words out of context by her colleagues.She has four years of experience and honesty as director of Division 3. Miss Hyland has always kept up with important issues.
WOW!!!!! JUST IN!!!!! EM2 has just received a fax flyer stating that Christine Hyland is Lying to you the voter. The flyer states that she voted to use public funds in the amount of $7500 per month for a public relations campaign to promote the LEAPS Project. Then the flyer states "Does she think we are stupid?"Well, these people that support and put out this flyer must be stupdid!!!!!!!!!!! What Christine Hyland actually voted for was a pros and cons public relations service to the public on the LEAPS Project so that all people would find out the truth as to what a BOONDOOGLE and RIP OFF the LEAPS Project really is! Once again words of truth have been twisted so that certain backers of the LEAPS Project who will try to push this project forward at any cost including the destruction and defaming of a public servant who has always stood for the best interest of the public, Chris Hyland! How does EM2 know about Chris Hyland's vote? EM2 WAS PRESENT AT THAT MEETING!! The persons backing the LEAPS Project have just made a liableous move of extreme desperation! With all the millions of dollars these so called public servants and backers are looking forward to putting in their pockets, we at EM2 know that people have been killed for less than this. Therefore, EM2 makes an urgent appeal for an investigation as to why there have been hundreds of meetings at public expense on the on the LEAPS Project, (millions of dollars wasted), for 10 YEARS!!!!!! Also we urgently request that law enforcement keep a discrete watch on Miss Hyland, please. Now, who do you think is lying and who do you think should be sued for defamation of character? Guess what? the flyer just happens to come from a place called Elverta, CA. and is sponsored by The California Taxpayers Protection Committee. Does anyone think this is out of jurisdiction? How come the persons who ARE calling Christine Hyland a lyer, don't just step forward and do so, if their facts and truth are so good? Instead of having a flyer sent from Elverta, CA. ANOTHER SMOKE SCREEN POSSIBLY????? Next, story on Division 5.


Blogger Elsinore Magazine 1 said...

Who the hell is, The California Taxpayers Protection Committe?
when was this committe formed? EM2 highly suspect this is a newly formed committee formed for the sole purpose of dirty politics,to defame good persons character just to keep the LEAPS Project so that all the bad guys can fill there filty pockets with ratepayers, public funds.
Beware voters The California Taxpayers Protection Committee no doubt have chose that name to mislead the public into believing that they are interested in protecting taxes. Please check them out. OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE AS UNETHICAL AS DIRECTORS PHIL WILLIAMS, KRISTINE ANDERSON, BEN WICKE,and HARVEY RYAN. EM2 attended many meetings and saw how unethical they all are including the Districts attorney John Brown,General Manager Ron Young. ask GREG Morrison about an e mail accidently sent to the wrong persons with writings appearing threats on a 4th division candidates life. Yes C L E A N UP EVMWD and NOW. DON'T LET THE GREEDY CROOKS FooL YOU. The only one interested in protection of Taxpayers MONEY IS Christine Hyland and that is no lie! EM2 put the rest in the same catagory as the E N R O N
theives. a serious investigation would no doubt put them all in jail. EM2 strongly urge a serious investigation on Nevada Hydro, Phil Williams, Kristine Anderson, Ben Wicke start with the Days of Service from 2001 through 2005. Then LEAPS.It is documented these directors paid themselves Days of Service for meetings they were not qualified to take they failed to follow the policy they voted and passed years ago. Chris Hyland after having giving the opportunity to review the Days of Service a rare oppurtunity found that they were being paid for unqualified Days of Service and imediately called for an Independent Audit. Hyland immediately paid back her overpay and EVMWD WOULD NOT ACCEPT HER WILLINNESS TO PAY THE REIMBURSEMENT. It is NOT EASY TO KNOW WHETHER or NOT THE THREE NAMED DIRECTORS ARE PAYING BACK THE OVERPAY BECAUSE IT WAS set up as a deductable accounting system. To keep these public officials basicly secret and private. they also squandered the independent audit. Yet these corrupt people want the public to believe that they are interested in protecting taxes. Now you have enough information to find out who the real lyers are. Someone please do the investigation. You may as well include Senator Darrell Issa of Washington DC and Vista ca. He is too kind in sticking his nose in Lake Elsinore business promoting LEAPS.Even though the majority of Elsinorians oppose the project. Is Issa a money grabber?

1:38 AM  
Blogger wtf_em3 said...

It's about time everyone knows the truth about Chris Hyland, I have to hand it to The California Taxpayers Protection Committe, they sure put out a nice Nice Brochure and American Printing did a Great Job of Printing!

9:31 AM  
Blogger wtf_em3 said...

Has anyone driven by Buckley’s campaign headquarters at the wreck? You can’t miss the BUCKLEY for COUNCIL sign out front! Keep up that image and good work Tom!
It’s told if you come by the wreck on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month before 4pm you can sit in on Buckley couching / telling Hickman how to vote and how to answer questions in a public forum, it’s a must see event! Come early and reserve your bar stool.
If you return to the wreck after the council meeting Buckley will share the finer points of car rentals, and the ini’s and out’s of home renting and the advantage of kissing the developers ass! the 2 drink minimum can be waved in lue of a donation.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Elsinore Magazine 1 said...

wft em3 Stop reinforcing the lie the California taxpayers protection committee put in a flyer about Chris Hyland. Chris would never ever vote to spend $7500 to support LEAPS. it IS THE MAJORITY BOARD DIRTY TRICKS THAT RAN THE MEETING TO MAKE IT APPEAR THAT Chris Hyland voted to promote the project. ITS ALL LIES. If you fall for that lie, you are ither very stupid or uninformed. get the true facts as those of us have done.

9:17 PM  
Blogger wtf_em3 said...


11:01 AM  
Blogger wtf_em3 said...

If anyone needs more anti Hyland flyers or poster meet us at the same place by the Elsinore home show.


8:12 PM  
Blogger wtf_em3 said...

Six Steps for a Better Elsinore:
(1)Kick Hyland to the curb,
(2)Put Webers wife on a Leash,
(3)Buy buckley a car,
(4)Ask the newspaper report the truth,
(5)Annex lakeland village!
(6)Get off your Lazy Ass & VOTE,
(Posted by a citizen who finished high school)

8:33 AM  

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