Elsinore Magazine 2

News Magazine 2 City of Lake Elsinore.... Editor: John Brooks

Location: Lake Elsinore, California

Friday, June 24, 2005


  1. WAS THE CITY MANAGER SELECTION OCHESTRATED ELSINORE MAGAZINE 2 June 22,2005 EM2 has a Problem with our city government spending $18,000 DOLLARS of taxpayers funds to hire a consultant to seek out an experienced city manager. Out of 50 applicants four were selected. One of the four being the interim manager Mr.ROBERT BRADY in the no.2 position. Among the other three were; 1.) Ms.Samantha Orduno 3.) Ms. Susan Thrope 4.) Mr. John E. Nowak All of whom are well experienced in city management. Instead, we ended up with the same as what we have always had, A manager who has had no past experience until given the Interim City Managers Position. It appears that for the third time we have had to deal with an "ELEVENTH HOUR SWITCH" with the blind leading the blind. The last two managers had no previous experience and what a mess the City of Lake Elsinore is in!!! a.) Public funds being utilized all kinds of wrong ways!!! Including the abuse of the HEALTH and WELLNESS BENEFIT. Violating Resolution 88-1. b.) $4,000,000.00 MISSING !!! c.) Rampant misuse of city credit cards!!! With the trail to the missing monies still yet to be discovered. And the worse thing of it all is that no one, except the CITY TREASURER Mr. Peter Weber, is showing any concern about these problems!! AND HE IS NOT GETTING THE HELP FROM THE COUNCIL AS HE SHOULD. ONE WOULD THINK THE CITY COUNCIL WOULD BE SO OUTRAGED, THEY WOULD HAVE CALLED FOR LOCAL AND FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THESE IMPROPRIETIES. BUT THEY HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING!!!. WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU??? Does this tell us that the CHARADE to find an experienced City Manager was just that, a charade in an effort to fool the citizens. A Broadway Show in front of the public, just so certain individuals will be able to maintain CONTROL and the "STATUS QUO" on board. The CITY COUNCIL has not shown ANY courage TO CORRECT ANYTHING. THE AUDIT CAME BACK AND IT IS BUSINESS AS USUAL. According to some of the city employees the City Council is allowing it's personel to work under HIGHLY strained work conditions. It is tantamount to slavery at city hall and has caused a split among the employees, as I am told. EM2 would suggest that these employees seek an outside attorney's advice and tell their story to the newspapers. Why stay under working conditions like this?? EMPLOYEES DO HAVE RIGHTS. IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF EM2, THAT SOME OF THE EMPLOYEES ARE EVEN AFRAID TO TALK TO ANY COUNCILPERSONS. THAT THINGS ARE SAID LIKEYOU ARE EITHER WITH ME OR AGAINST ME. And, "WHETHER OR NOT IT IS PROPER, DO IT ANYWAY." EM2 must say that any employee working under these conditions needs to get some CAJONES and some DRIVE and not allow anyone to hold you under this way!!! THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST HARASSMENT. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS AN DO SOMETHING. THESE CONDITIONS CANNOT CONTINUE. TALK TO AN ATTORNEY. THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST AN EMPLOYER FIRING SOMEONE FOR REPORTING WRONG DOING. DO IT NOW!! It is doubtful that the City Manager on hand can handle or take care of these problems. All that IS said is that HE IS a BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM. So what we have got is CHAOS ON TOP OF CHAOS. AND THE COUNCIL IS DOING NOTHING!!!! JUST IN, EM2, through good sources of information, is pondering the allegation that a conspiracy to insure that Mr. Robert Brady will be maintained as City Manager may be eminent. The story goes something like this; a.) Applicant no.1 was first chosen. b.) The, two not so willing, of five councilpersons first had to be convinced to accept applicant no.1 c.) After getting past that, the conspirators knew that they would have no problem moving the interim City Manager into second place. d.) Now the next move was to insure that applicant no.1 would drop out of accepting the position of City Manager by inviting all the applicants to the city council meeting on Tuesday June 14th. Two of the applicants appeared at the meeting before the public. An unusual thing to do to someone you are looking to hire as City Manager. e.) With the acceptance of applicant no.1 in place, it was leaked that applicant no.1 had intentions of terminating second place Bob Brady and one other staff member. After which applicant no.1 was duly approached and informed that the second place holder, Bob Brady, would be the deputy city manager to applicant no.1. Does anybody think that applicant no.1 would want the City Managers job after it was exposed that she had intentions of terminating Bob Brady and one other staff member??? Apparently not!!! And this was banked on. BRADY, being in the no.2 position, was able to slide right in. No problem! Case closed and "STATUS QUO" maintained. IT HAD TO BE DONE THAT WAY BECAUSE HOW ELSE COULD THE CONSPIRATORS EXCUSE THEMSELVES FOR HIRING BRADY WITH ALL THE BAGGAGE HE IS CARRYING, ie: 1.) MISUSE OF CITY CREDIT CARD TO PAY FOR HIS GIRLFRIENDS EDUCATION AGAINST CITY POLICY.2.) ABUSE OF THE HEALTH AND WELLNESS AGAINST CITY WRITTEN POLICY BY RESOLUTION 88-1. 3.) ALL THE DISSENCION GOING ON AMONG OTHER EMPLOYEES, IN PART DUE TO THE PARTIALITY SHOWN TO HIS GIRLFRIEND. WHO IS ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH WHAT OTHER EMPLOYEES CANNOT. ALLOWED TO GO TO A SCHOOL OF HER CHOICE WHILE OTHER EMPLOYEES WHO WANT TO GO TO THAT SAME SCHOOL WERE DENIED. AND PAID NO MONEY FROM HER OWN POCKET. The Mayor, especially, knows these things but will not do anything about it. End of part 1. Surf on by for further developments and part 2.


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