Elsinore Magazine 2

News Magazine 2 City of Lake Elsinore.... Editor: John Brooks

Location: Lake Elsinore, California

Sunday, April 24, 2005



April 24, 2005 First of all, EM2 would like to thank those individuals who take the time to drop us a comment. It's nice to know that people are alive out there! Part 2 We here at EM2 believe "LOOKING THE OTHER WAY" politics has been a long time wrong factor at city hall. THIS POLICY OF NOT FOLLOWING POLICY HAS GOT TO GO!!! "IF IT IS NOT WRITTEN, DO NOT DO IT" ,when in doubt, refer to your POLICY MANUAL,not the " QUICK SKIM SCAM FAKEOVER"!!! JUST IN...Hey! Where's "THE GUN"!!! That is, Rod Gunn, the bond consultant, working on a bond issue audit requested by City Treasurer on or about November 2004. Last heard of "THE GUN" was in Switzerland. The audit report was due !st of April. Genie Kelley was very pleased to have Matt Pressey and "THE GUN" as part of the audit team. So, how about it Genie, bring "THE GUN" home, or file the AUDIT REPORT, so that the Treasurer can resume with the TRUTH.

EM2 salutes the City Treasurer, Mr. Peter Weber, who is moving the city back to common sense government, fighting all the way!! WE LOVE IT!!! HELP SAVE US FROM THESE DISASTEROUS AND UNPALATABLE SCHEMES!!!

EM2 urges the City Council, and staff, to also take a common sense approach to government for a better Lake Elsinore in the interest of it's citizens, FIRST!!! Citizens Elected Government, Government Did not Elect the Citizens!!!!

EM2 is about getting information to the public from a point of view based on TRUTH, not HYPE, in an effort to give more insight inside city hall. We Report To You, So You Can Make The Right Decisions. THE CITIZENS IN ANY CITY, CAN GET TOGETHER, sign a piece of paper, and RECALL, REPEAL, RE-ESTABLISH, RE-INVENT, and above all VOTE!!! The voice of the people is powerfull when used.

Saturday, April 23, 2005



April 23, 2005 EM2 found out through documentation and complaints that our city is being ill run and has been for many years at best. We have management and upper management staff who give the City Council Members basically what they want to hear, MORE FICTION THAN FACT, WITH OR WITHOUT THE TRUTH!! For instance, we have 14 or more staff members holding a city credit card with a limit of $2500.00 dollars, followed up by a CARTE BLANCHE ATTITUDE!!! EM2 recomends that only the offices of City Manager and City Clerk should be in possesion of city credit cards to process whatever the city needs are.

On the GAS CARD issue, If any city employee who uses the cities gas card fails to file a receipt for reimbursement, there will be no reimbursement. Also drop the ALLOTMENTS. Why keep the door open for CROOKED behavior.

Lately it has been citizens and the newly elected City Treasurer who have been holding the line against QUESTIONABLE BEHAVIOR AND PRACTICES using the TRUTH.

Also EM2 has noticed that the City Attorney who sits/stands by and allows a ANYTHING GOES, ANYTHING STANDS attitude as to factual information on city business. EM2 has not seen any real benefit from the advice of the City Attorney since tenure. As a matter of fact the attorney's advice has been very costly. The only ones who seem to benefit most are the parties involved in contracting out city work which seems to monopolize and capitalize where public funds are concerned. One of the duties of the City Attorney is to advise the council in a manor to protect the city from improprieties and mismanagement of public funds. Come to find out we have a developer in town looking to suposedly build a housing project in the back basin area, under the disguise of a R.D.A. Project (redevelopement project). How can the City Attorney be looking out for the best interest of the city, while showing major interest in the FAVORED DEVELOPER'S PROJECT. The DEVELOPER only need ask and the City Attorney and the "BOND CONSULTANTS" would be off and running to oblige the developer at TAXPAYERS EXPENSE!!! AGAIN!!!!! It's the TAXPAYERS and HOME BUYERS that get RIPPED OFF and TAKEN BY SURPRISE on these kinds of bond issuance projects. HOME BUYERS BEWARE!

EM2 has discovered that recently a movement is coming down from parties of questionable behavior, to change the Office of the City Treasurer from an elected position to an appointed one, oddly enough!!! GOD HELP US IF THIS HAPPENS!!! The citizens know and have stated so, that the newly elected Treasurer is the best thing to happen to this city. AND REMEMBER, CITIZENS, ALWAYS VOTE NO ON APPOINTEES.

This is the end of part 1 of "ANYTTHING GOES, ANYTHING STANDS FAKEOVER".

Log on for part 2 (next article)

Exterminator Needed !!!@?#!

Elsinore Magazine 2

April 22, 2005 EM2, having reviewed in house city documents in the past, especially invoices of work contracted out by the city staff, has some sugestions for the City Council.

1.) In order to keep a more accurate accounting of how public funds are spent, a better system should be created where as the documents showing and confirming what and why funds are necessary to be paid out. Instead of just accepting the warrants list, in which the information is very scant and vague to say the least.

2.) Appoint a committee, where as staff will give an accounting to the committee on every invoice, BEFORE, contractors are paid. And give a report to council. According to in house documents, invoices and canceled checks that we collected and reviewed, the city is paying for ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND RENTED EQUIPMENT WHEN NEEDED. Hey!! That's Great!! EM2 is Very Happy that the city can still pay to have it's needs taken care of. So !! How bad does the CITY STAFF need a committee?????? On January 28th at the study session, a Councilperson asked a staff member "Did the city pay for the electrical contractors materials, or did the contractor pay for them." The reply Sent us into shock!!! "No the city did not pay for materials just labor."

Ya know? If EM2 were to get a contractors license to perform needed tasks for the city, I would never do any work for Lake Elsinore because the CITY STAFF will want you to pay for all the materials you might need to do what ever repairs are needed.

BESIDES!!! Why would that staff member make such an idiotic statement when we hold the canceled checks and invoices to confirm the city payed for materials and the audio tape of the procedings at the January 28th study session. EM2 noticed that the staffpersons answer was so pleasing to the ear that everybody felt better knowing........ Unfortunatly, know one heard what the staff member really said. Not even one councilperson stood up to correct this person. It has become obvious that the City Council takes to much for granted in relying on what staff brings before them in their agenda packets. For instance, staff could be selling the house and the council would not know until they were being evicted from council chambers.

This is why EM2 is calling for the exterminator. To get rid of all the bugs!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Special Meeting 3rd St. Hearing

Elsinore Magazine 2
April 19, 2005 EM2 has just learned that a hearing between the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, EVMWD, and property owner, the City of Lake Elsinore, has been scheduled for Wednesday April 20, 2005 in the second floor conference room at 9/10 a.m. The hearing is to consider an adoption of a "RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY" for purchase of city property. Description of Property: A portion of Third Street between Collier Street and the Interstate 15 Freeway, 60 feet wide of North Elsinore Tract in the City of Lake Elsinore, County of Riverside, as shown on MAP in file book 5, page 105 records of San Diego County. It appears that the City of Lake Elsinore and EVMWD will now at last negotiate a Purchase Price on a project known as the 3rd St. Booster Station. EM2 finds this news surprising, due to the fact that there was an item on the City of Lake Elsinore's agenda at the regular council meeting on April 12, 2005 on this issue. But the City Attorney did not announce an upcoming hearing on the matter. What EM2 also finds very peculiar is, that the Mayor nor the City Attorney reported on the "CLOSED SESSION" item at the beginning of the council meeting, the usual reporting time. But the Mayor reminded the City Attorney of the announcement at the end of the meeting at comment time. At which time the City Attorney announced "NO REPORTABLE ACTION" happened during the closed session. Interested parties were in the audience waiting to hear whether or not any reportable action would be announced. The parties had already left by the time the "NO REPORTABLE ACTION" was announced. EM2 also discovered that known interested parties were not specifically notified on the hearing date and time nor where it was to be held!!! Question...Did the City Attorney or EVMWD know about this hearing at the council meeting on April 12, 2005 ??? It is known that a director from EVMWD is always present at the councvil meetings.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

City Attorney's Apparent Dereliction of Duties????

Elsinore Magazine 2 April 17,2005
Elsinore Magazine has been reviewing the Lake Elsinore city attorney’s track record and found that since her tenure from 1997 she has been paid millions of dollars from the city. But Elsinore Magazine has not been able to establish a creditable record of benefit to the city or it’s citizens for those huge bucks of public funds paid. What the city attorney HAS done well, is to sit on or omit the true information that is reported to the Public. In the interest of ”Protecting the city”. For instance...... 1.) The Stadium debt report gave misinformation. Instead of owing approx. 22 million dollars, the actual debt is more like $38 million dollars. 2.) Low/Moderate Income Housing Funding (LMIHF) reported in January 2005 that $500 thousand dollars was said to be in the fund, then later $684 thousand plus.The latest figure is $1.8 million. Which is it Ms. City Attorney? Also, documented reports are on hand that show that the fund should be approximately $11 million plus to date. Now Elsinore Magazine has found out that much of the LMIHF funds were used to build the stadium and or pay down stadium debts and $38 million dollars are STILL owed on the stadium. How is this possible!! The stadium was supposed to cost around 10 million. Furthermore, Elsinore Magazine has found that none of these monies, to date, has ever been used for LMIHF housing (low income housing). Further reports are that the city coffers have lost approx. $15 to $20 MILLION dollars to a back basin flood plain development project behind the levee. This has taken place because of a UNDERCUT CHARGE OF $1.30/sq.ft. as opposed to the apparent CORRECT CHARGE OF APPROX> $8.00/sq.ft. per unit for LMIHF development. Elsinore Magazine is hopeful that the city attorney will respond to and take advantage of our comment section to correct us where we may have been in error.