Elsinore Magazine 2

News Magazine 2 City of Lake Elsinore.... Editor: John Brooks

Location: Lake Elsinore, California

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


ELSINORE MAGAZINE2 March 29, 2006 The Esinore Valley Municipal Water Districts, Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage Project known as LEAPS. A meeting will be held at the Culture Center 183 So. Main St. Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 7:00 pm. Last chance to make your objections heard on how the LEAPS Project will AFFECT your normal way of life. Hosted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC) To present the Draft Environmental Impact Statement of the Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage Project LEAPS- including a 500k TOWER POWER LINES from Tom's Farms, Horsethief Canyon, Lake Elsinore, the Santa Rosa Plateau and to Camp Pendelton to generate electricty for residents in San Diego and Mexico. EVMWD HAS LACK THE DISCLOSURE OF MANY HAZARDOUS FACTORS . Also they have not disclosed how the dusk will be handled with such a hugh projects. Tranmission lines in around Butterfield Elementary School where kids with upper respiratory problems could have their health damaged more by the dusk. Power lines have been reported to be probable cause of cancer. EVMWD HAS NOT YET ADDRESSED THE PROBABLE CAUSE REPORT ON THE CANCER ISSUE. EM2 emphasize money making should be secondary to ANYONE'S health. All interested persons should write their objections to FERC attention: Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 888 First Street N..E Washington, DC 20426 and Forest Service. attention: Tim Terrell, Supervisor Cleveland National Forest 19845 Rancho Bernado Rd. suite 200 San Diego CA 92127. It is imperative to write and address your objections to both agencies. An opposition March on Leaps is scheduled for Saturday April 1, 2006 9;00 AM at corner of Coryydon Rd. parking lot Lake Elsinore. Participants are asked to wear red top.For more info call 951 245 5704.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


ELSINORE MAGAZINE2 March 14, 2006 When Christine Hyland was finally called upon to review and sign the "Days of Service" paid to the board of Directors monthly for meetings attended by all five Directors. Director Hyland noticed discrepancies and questionables on Director Ben Wicke, Days of Service submitted for pay in January. Hyland then investigated further on other past Days of Service reports submitted by all Directors and brought the report before the Board at the first Boards Study Session in February for discussion. When it was brought to Kristine Anderson's attention that she had been submiting Days of Service for EDC Luncheons, Ms Anderson immediatly ( in a guilty manner) stated I will pay mine back"! This has yet to happen. Then later Chris Hyland investigated even further back on Days of Service to include her own past Days of Service. She found that in 2003 when she was first elected she also had submitted Days of Services she should not have been paid for. Hyland submitted a letter as follows in part "In researching the days of service for year 2003 and 2004 it was over looked what was permissible to submit for payment as Days of Service. In my research of the EDC lunches, Mayors Breakfast, and Chambers Dinner's according to the Matrix and/or policies the Directors should not have been paid. Unfortunately those who were approving Days of Service should have in my opinion removed themselves for payment according to the rules. There should be a policy that Finance should cleary understand what is payable for "Days of Service and what is not. They are writing the checks." Along with the letter, Hyland submitted a check for reimbursement back to EVMWD in the amount of $703.08 that according to POLICY she believed she was not entitled to. And a statement that read let me know if I have over looked other overpayments. In addition Hyland found that she owed another $300 plus and wrote another check for the amount. Later at the second Study Session in February Kris Anderson and President of the Board, Phil Williams, discussed the report Director Chris Hyland submitted on her findings on questionable actions. Instead of allowing each Director to give accounting of the days of service they intented to be payed for EM2 observed that Ms. Anderson would give an accounting for all other directors herself, in a facitious,arrogant and disrespectful manner before the public. According to district's policy section 500 particulary section 507, states that a maximum of 8 days of services monthly for attending Directors meetings on approved Matrix List. Such as regular, special and adjourned meetings, as well as committee meetings, study sessions,Board workshops and retreats. But section 508 specifically identifies meetings that can be compensated for are a maximumof 2 days monthly such as Hydro LEAPS, LESJWA JPA, LESJWA TAC and others. Some Directors have been taking compensation for as many as 4 days monthly on the LEAPS Project. The pay per day stands at $191.00 per each Board Member. Directors Anderson and Williams are appointed by the Board to the LEAPS Committee ( a Standing Committee of continuing subject matter jurisdiction.) A direct Project of EVMWD. At least 4 Directors appear to misconstrue a maximum of 2 days monthly, as being an additional 2 days of compensation monthly. Not so!!!. The issue is yet to be resolved. EM2 takes the opinion that it would be well served to have EVMWD's districts Attorney John Brown give a legal rendering on resolving the issue. It also appears that the LEAPS Project and some other committes may be in violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act, in a failure to note the committee meetings time and place, that having continuing subject matter jurisdiction. Even if any Director wanted to attend some committee meetings as an observer at least Chris Hyland never knows what time or day some committee meetings are being held. Why is this...is there some secrets to hide from one director??? Director Hyland do not allow this Days of Service issue to die without resloution in the best interest of the ratepayers. Good Job!!!!!