Elsinore Magazine 2
News Magazine 2 City of Lake Elsinore.... Editor: John Brooks
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
City's RESPONSE to Recommendation No.3 : The city concurs with the recommendation to review and revise current policies and procedures. In light of the City's rapid grwoth and changing demands, the City Council directed a Benefits Audit to be conducted ( see Exhibit "E") and established a City Council subcommittee. to review and revise Council Policies. Those recommendations were submitted to the City Attorney and City staff with direction to prepare and present a final proposed updated City Council Policiy Manual. As indicated in response to Finding No. 3, above a study session has been set for September 29, 2005 for the City Council to review and consider revised policies and procedures. In light of the Progress currently underway, the City Council does not believe that the formation of a Policy and Procedure Committee is necessary at this time.
EM2 response to City's recommendationNo.3 Paragraph 1: First of all No. 3, does not seem to answer the Town Hall Meeting question. Secondly as EM2 noted in last article, Finding and Recommendation, Response No. 3. that the City and City Council have yet to continue their review, revise and publish current Policies and Procedures since from September 29,2005. We are about to enter a New Year and the study session have not been scheduled for Public Review.
EM2, suspect that the City and City Council, is in no hurry to pursue and adopt strong measurer on Policies and Procedurers. It will take away their poor, excuses and their corrupt abilities to allow Public Funds/ Monies to be ripped off and stolen. It is obvious some or all of them is on the take. Why else they are so comfortable and satisfied at CORRUPTION? An HONEST person would not be able to stand or live with themselves.
City's RESPONSE to Paragraph 2: The City Council also concurs with the recommendation that the policies and procedures be continually reviewed and updated as necessary and that City be expressly informed of both the existing policies and any future changes.
City's RESPONSE continues on #4 : The Grand Jury correctly points out the financial diffulties occassioned by the construction of Diamond Stadium 12 years ago. The current administration inherited the perplexing problems brought about by the construction of the Stadium and is taking positive steps to address these issues. The City has actively sought to: (i) reduce its level of annual debt service and(ii) to pursue "partnering" arrangements with private entities to reduce Stadium operations costs.. Additionally, the Agency has commenced a "Request for Proposal" process and received three serious bids from private entities seeking to take over operational responsibilities at the Stadium. (see Stadium RFP attached as Exhibit "G") " review "G" at City hall." See also, Response to Recommendation No. 5.