Elsinore Magazine 2

News Magazine 2 City of Lake Elsinore.... Editor: John Brooks

Location: Lake Elsinore, California

Sunday, April 02, 2006


ELSINORE MAGAZINE2 April 2,2006 Ratepayers should be aware that although EVMWD is revising their Districts Adminstrative Code 500, they are still leaving loop holes under their policy where as they can get paid legally, illegal. Under section508 of 500 the wording has changed from a MAXIMUM of 2 days to meetings in excess of those allowed in section 507 as follows: ACWA: ACWA JPIA. ACWA Region 9 CAP CONFERENCES : DEPOSITIONS or meetings relating to District legal matters LESJWA JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA) (only representative & alternate representative). LESJWA TAC meetings. Under B. OF 508 is added : Two additional meetings as listed in section 508 (a) will be compensated, as long as the maximum compensation does not exceed ten (10) days per calender month. This is a trick policy and has as much contradiction as the present policy as it stands. Go to EVMWD AND COMPARE THE TWO POLICIES. Another trick in the revised policy is meetings relating to LEGAL matters above in the past some Board Members paid themselves for meeting with the District's Attorney John Brown on a one or two member Board meeting with the attorney concerning legal matters The amount paid Directors per Days of Service presently $191.00 per meeting. Board members is allowed under Government Code Assembly Bill 1234 up to 10 meetings per month. this equals to more than $1900.00 per month. Since the majority Board make decisions a one or two member directors should never meet with the attorney on legal mters. All legal matters should be brought before the full Board in open meetings. EM2 opinion this is highway robbery and who pays? The ratepayers. Futher EM2 opinion EVMWD is attempting to pull a fast one in that they appears to save loop holes in their policies, in order to, legally illegaly steal the ratepayers PUPLIC FUNDS. They must not be allowed to get away with this. The majority Board act as though no one can see through what they are up to. But they are very transparent. Ratepayers speak up in opposition of this thievery. EM2 just noticed that under the Directors Matrix for 2006 number 26 on the Matrix is proposed changed from read: Meetings (e.g.;with local elected officials or regarding the public or District matters) has been proposed changed to meetings with public officials regarding public or District matters. If the Board of Directors past all these changes on Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 10 AM ratepayer can be charged $ 191.00 to meet with their Director up to ten meets per month. Basically what this all allows is that any DIRECTOR can meet with anyone in the world and get paid $191.00 per meet of ratepayers PUBLIC FUNDS. ITS an OPEN book. Ratepayers are urged to attend this wednesdays meeting in PROTEST OF THESE CHNGES. or call EVMWD at 951 674 3146 for a vote of protest.